Church Life focuses on our fellowship together and our care for each other:
Fellowship is important. If we are to be a community and the body of Christ we must make sure we are connected with one another.
The following is a list of some of the fellowship opportunities you’ll find at Harbor View:
Coffee Fellowship, Sunday mornings join us for coffee before heading to a Discipleship Class
Lunch Bunch, Once a month join us for lunch at an area restaurant
Book Club, Meeting once a month to discuss books together
Bridge Club. Meeting once a month to play bridge
Visiting of Visitors, Free Cookies!!!!
Small Groups, Trips or events for special interests such as photography, baking, caroling, etc.
Our Yearly Oyster Roast, the don’t miss event of the year each winter!
Member Care
We here at Harbor View are passionate in our desire to care for one another. Most people first realize this when in worship our “passing of the peace” quickly becomes “passing of the hugs, smiles, discussion, and 10 minutes of noise as we talk to each other.” Yet this desire is best realized in our work in the area of Member Care.
Some of the things we do here include:
Providing meals to members in special times and crisis events.
Visitation teams who go visit those in need of care Care for members with special needs
Card Program
Prayer Chain
Harbor View Helpers who go out and help those who need help with all kinds of small (and large) maintenance needs.