Our ministry at Harbor View is managed by our Session Committees:
Buildings and Grounds – Ensures maintenance of church property for maximum usefulness (including buildings, furnishings, grounds, vehicles, and equipment), oversees the use of church facilities, and determines policies and procedures for responding to emergencies.
Church Life – Initiates and manages programs and resources designed to welcome, care for, and connect members, friends, and visitors. These include: 1) the annual Oyster Roast and other special church events, 2) member care programs such as providing meals at times of illness, bereavement, birth, and other special occasions, 3) sources of current information for members, visitors, ministry partners, and the general public such as the church newsletter, weekly emails, church website and Facebook page, the church directory, and newspaper advertising.
Education and Spiritual Formation– Programs and recruits church volunteers and other human resources to lead classes, groups, events and other opportunities for faith formation, spiritual growth, and fellowship shaped by a holistic approach to the spiritual, emotional, physical, relational, and other needs of participants of all ages.
Operations – Oversees management of the financial, administrative, and personnel dimensions of the church as a faith-based nonprofit organization, including: 1) ensuring timely, comprehensive financial reports to session, 2) submitting a proposed annual budget to session, 3) arranging for regular independent audits of church finances, 3) regularly reviewing and recommending updates of church policies and procedures, 4) conducting annual performance reviews of members of the church staff.
Service, Outreach and Community Relations – Supports local, national, and global Christian service, mission, and outreach initiatives, including 1) overseeing and providing encouragement and support for the work of the Early Care and Education Program, 2) organizing volunteers for hands-on mission projects, 3) receiving in-kind contributions of food, clothing, and Christmas gifts, 4) organizing special fundraising campaigns for mission trips, 4) marshalling volunteers to respond to emergencies, and 5) building relationships with partners in mission.
Worship and Music – Supports the pastor and musicians as they work together to design opportunities for Lord’s Day worship and other occasions of worship throughout the year, including 1) organizing volunteers for lay leadership in worship, 2) preparing for sacramental observances by arranging table elements and recruiting elder-volunteers to serve communion, 3) providing staffing and oversight for the church nursery, and 4) ensuring that the church sanctuary, instruments, and other equipment are well-maintained.